excited to let you know that Mulberry Insurance Agency, an Oscar
brokerage subsidiary, is now partnering with National General Accident
& Health (NatGen) to sell NatGen Select Dental PPO and Plan Enhancer
coverage solutions.
* This partnership demonstrates our commitment to
helping you give your clients – Oscar members and non-Oscar members
alike – an enhanced health care experience that they’ll love and thank
you for.
Already selling NatGen plans? That’s great! You will not
be required to change the way you’re currently selling NatGen plans, and
there will be no changes to your appointment or how you are paid
commissions on those plans. We’re just letting you know that you can now
sell NatGen plans right from your Oscar Broker Account in just five
easy steps:
Sign into your Oscar Broker Account
- Click on the “Sell supplemental plans” button
- Click on the ‘Go to National General’ button
next page will be a login page that will automatically input your NPN.
Note: If you see an error that says ‘NPN not found’, then click the
‘Create Account’ button to create an account and Start selling! You can return to your Oscar Broker Account at any time to use the same unique link to quote and sell.
Agility Producer Support
(866) 590-9771