
As social media soars… It’s up to you as modern day, professional Life & Health Insurance Agents to stay up-to-date with marketing in a digital world.  Agility Insurance Services’ all-in-one platform; is happy to provide you with some general social media stats, tips, facts and guidelines.

In this downloadable eBook, you will find key guidelines, tips and tricks, best posting times, content strategy and more. Along with Medicare and ACA compliance to make sure you follow when creating ads and posts for all social media platforms.

Whether you’re new to social media marketing or you’re a expert, this eBook has something for you.

Download the Social Media PDF eBook Now >>

Agility Insurance Services is proud to introduce yet another game changing tool for our agents. When you join the Agility team, you get free access to our all-in-one Digital Medicare App through ConnectureDRX. Making virtual quoting and enrollments easier then ever for your Medicare clients.

Provide them ease of use with quoting, enrollment, shop and compare plans, scope of appointment, Text to Sign features and so much more. Learn more with the eBook guide below.

Download the Medicare Quoting & Enrollment eBook Guide >>

We’ve worked closely with our customers throughout the pandemic to understand the economic and health challenges they, their employees and our communities face. Every decision we’ve made as a company during these extraordinary times is through the lens of a long-term commitment to our members and our communities, with the goal to support our customers and members, just as we always have. In many cases, we have been actively working with our customers on a one-to-one basis to identify solutions that will provide short-term relief.

Now, as a result of our ongoing discussions with customers, we’re excited to announce the COVID-19 Economic Response Program, which is designed to help new and existing fully insured employer group customers during this unprecedented national emergency.

Briefly, we’re offering a premium deferral to existing fully insured customers and a two-year rate guarantee to new fully insured customers.

The charts below provide more detail.

COVID-19 Economic Response Program for Existing Insured Customers

Customers Option Method Recoupment Plan Decision
  • Fully insured
  • Size 51+ enrolled employees*
Defer 50% of July billed medical and dental monthly premium



Line item credit on future Customer Statement**

Example: Client X deferred one monthly premium in 2020 = $240,000


Spread evenly across 12 monthly invoices in 2021 as a line item charge (regardless of anniversary date).

Impact is approx. 4.2% increase additional premium in 2021.

Example: Client X’s 2021 monthly invoice line item deferred premium charge = $240,000/12 = $20,000

*Account executives will help customers determine if an employer is eligible.
**Actual invoices credited will be subject to opt-in decision timing by customer. If opt-in signed form is received and processed by July 31, 2020, then credit will appear on the September Customer Statement. If received and processed after July 31, 2020, or signed opt-in form is received by Aug. 15, 2020, then credit will appear on the October Customer Statement.

COVID-19 Economic Response Program for New Insured Business (New Employer Group to BCBSTX) with effective dates from July 2020 through January 2021

Customers Option Method Recoupment Plan Decision
  • New customers with effective dates from July 2020 through January 2021
  • Fully insured
  • Size 51+ enrolled employees
Default Option 24-month rate guarantee at first 12 months rates for medical and dental No rate increases in the first 24 months. Policy year limited to 12 months and a renewal will be provided. No recoupment needed Decision and criteria will be indicated in the additional provisions of the BPA, which must be signed prior to the effective date.
Alternate Option Defer 30% of first 3 months of medical and dental premiums* Line item credits** for first 3 months will appear on customer statements for months 2-4 and recoupment over the last 8 months will appear on customer statements for months 5-12. Recoup the deferment in the remaining eight months as a line item charge with maximum 9.9% first-year renewal increase for medical and maximum 5.0% first-year renewal increase for dental


Decision and criteria will be indicated in the additional provisions of the BPA, which must be signed prior to the effective date.

Exceptions will be made for July and August 2020 effective dates to process and sign a revised BPA given the timing of the release of the COVID-19 Economic Response Program.

*Account executive to work with underwriter to capture and document.
**Actual invoices credited will be subject to opt in to this option and decision timing by customer.

Who’s eligible?
Most fully insured groups 51+ enrolled employees will be eligible.

Who isn’t eligible?

  • Self-funded groups, MPP, Cost+, ACA-rated small groups, Blue Balance FundedSM, student health, ADM, MEWA/PEO, association health plans, retrospective premium accounts, customers on private multi-carrier exchanges, and prospective retention accounts.
  • Accounts in stage two of delinquency are also not eligible, but those groups will be given a chance to rectify that status by July 31, 2020, so that they may qualify. (Stage two delinquency is defined as accounts with payments that are 30 days past due.)


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Agility Life & Health Insurance Agents:  Our insurance agent tools and platform just got better… Agility Insurance Services is proud to introduce the newest feature to our contracted insurance agents.

Your very own MyAdmin by Agility with everything you need in one secure back-office location anywhere you go. There has never been a better time than now to join Agility and access our all-in-one contracting, training, and marketing platform. Access from over 40 of our industry leading carrier partners, commission reports, webinars and beyond.

  • Secure & Private Personal Login
  • Medicare Quoting App
  • ACA HealthSherpa Enrollment
  • Marketing Material Ready for Download
  • Full Access to All Tools & Resources
  • Agility Mobile Quoting App
  • Your Contracts & Commissions
  • Bonuses, Webinars & Events
  • Your book of business in one location!

Learn More or Login Now

Agility Insurance Services is pleased to announce their partnership with HealthSherpa: An innovative healthcare technology and the country’s largest ACA agent enrollment platform.
HealthSherpa is a CMS-approved entity for Enhanced Direct Enrollment (EDE). Through a HealthSherpa account, you can track, enroll, and service all of your ACA clients — without going to

EDE (Enhanced Direct Enrollment) is a powerful new technology that simplifies the enrollment process and provides complete policy management functionality— without going to

Download the HealthSherpa eBook Guide >>

Open Enrollment: Tools for Success: Here are some essential tools for marketing and selling our 2020 qualified health plans in the individual market to existing members and new prospects.

Plan Information:

Get links to 2020 Plan Comparison Charts, Summaries of Benefits and Coverage and Benefit Highlights in this new flier PDF.

Renewal Packets:

Active members of retail plans should be receiving their renewal packets for 2020. Here are the details PDF, including links to sample packets.

Retention Call Center:

Your clients can access a special retention call center for producer sold business PDF to help renewing members through open enrollment. When your clients use the call center, you remain the producer of record.

Retail Producer Portal:

The portal allows you to complete and submit enrollment applications for your clients. Control the entire sales cycle from quote to effectuation. For details, see our guide PDF.

Agency Alert Re: Marketplace Registration:

Writing producers must be registered with the Marketplace before helping clients enroll in Marketplace policies. See our Agency Alert for details PDF.


2020 No Contribution/No Participation Option Period Starts Nov. 1

If your new ACA/small group (1-50 employees) wants to elect the No Contribution/No Participation Option,

follow these directions and deadlines.


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