It’s Open (Enrollment) season, and Cigna just extended a supplemental WINCENTIVE bonus for all the Cigna agents here at Agility. 

What does this mean? It means you will have even more time to earn Cigna’s $100 bonus in addition to your commissions. 

Here are the guidelines for this bonus extension! 

1. All marketing lead opportunities are subject to your state’s regulations. Lead credits will expire 60 days from date of issue. 

2. Cigna Supplemental Benefits will provide automated reporting on a monthly basis. 

3. All qualifying applications must be signed during the program period to count toward the marketing incentive program. Policies must be received by the eighth day of each month following
the close of the previous program month. For example, the first program period will run January 1 through January 31, 2022 and all policies must be signed by January 31, 2022 and received
by February 8, 2022, to count for the January program month. 

4. All qualifying business must either have a minimum issued annualized premium of $360, or the sum of two policies written on a single insured must be equal to or greater than $360. 

5. Eligibility will be determined approximately 30 days after the program end date. Business must effectuate in order to qualify and must be active at the time of payment. 

6. Policies must have premiums drafted to pay an incentive. 

7. Policies that cancel before their effective date or within the first month after their effective date will have their incentive charged back. 

8. Chargebacks will be taken from future incentive payments and/or from qualifying commissions. 

9. Qualifying Cigna Supplemental products include Medicare Supplement, insured by Loyal American Life Insurance Company (LOYAL), American Retirement Life Insurance Company (ARLIC),
Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company (CHLIC) and Cigna National Health and Life Insurance Company (CNHIC). 

10. Qualifying Cigna Supplemental Health products include Flexible Choice Cancer and Heart Attack & Stroke, Cancer Treatment, Flexible Choice Hospital Indemnity and Accident Treatment,
insured by Loyal American Life Insurance Company (LOYAL) and Flexible Choice Dental, Vision & Hearing, insured by Loyal American Life Insurance Company (LOYAL). 

11. Marketing incentive payments are made payable to the producer or agency that receives standard commission payments. 

12. Lead mailers will be provided through a Cigna-approved lead vendor.

13. Production numbers shown in other sources may include production with other products that do not count toward this marketing program qualification. 

14. To qualify for this marketing incentive program, an agent’s in-force policyholder block for all submitted business, in the past 13 months, must maintain: (i) a 78% retention rate or
higher, and (ii) the company’s average placement levels. 

15. Cigna Supplemental Benefits and its affiliates hold no liability during the program. 

16. Any application that is counted for the marketing incentive program detailed in this flyer will not be eligible to qualify for any other incentive program offered by Cigna. 

17. We reserve the right to revise program rules at any time without notice, and also reserve the right to terminate the program. 

18. We will make all determinations regarding the program including, but not limited to, whether an agent is qualified. Our decisions will be final and conclusive. 

19. Replacements do not count toward qualifications. 

20. Your marketing incentive payout amount will count toward earnings and will be taxed accordingly. 

21. Business written on self or immediate family members does not count toward qualification. 

22. To qualify for this program, an agent must be in good standing with Cigna Supplemental Benefits and not violate the terms of the Agent Agreement. 

23. Nothing herein is to be interpreted as a desire not to receive applications for Medicare Supplement policies from consumers desiring coverage without underwriting. 

24. Incentive payments are subject to an agent’s upline’s bonus program structure, if applicable.

Check out this document for even more details about Cigna’s WINCENTIVE.

Are you contracted with Cigna yet? If not, get started today.

Agility Producer Support
(866) 590-9771

Cigna just released a new Broker Bonus Schedule. You will be eligible for this new plan if you are contracted with Cigna and eligible for these broker bonuses.
The program rules are as follows:
  • Bonus is based on new sales submitted during Open Enrollment, 11/1/2022–1/15/2023; customers with a 1/1/2023
    effective date must make initial payment prior to 1/31/2023 and customers with a 2/1/2023 effective date must
    make initial payment prior to 2/28/2023 qualify. 
  • Bonus program is based on number of members submitted. Enrollments on each of the two bonus programs
    will be aggregated separately. Member counts will be capped at six members per policy. 
  • 2023 Open Enrollment policies must be in effect and paid for a minimum of three months in order to be paid
    the one-time bonus payment: 3/31/2023 for 1/1/2023 effectives and 4/29/2023 for 2/1/2023 effectives. 
  • Eligible products include all IFP medical products in AZ, CO, FL, GA, IN, MS, NC, SC, TN, TX and VA. 
  • Cigna will offset any overpayment against other compensation due and payable to producer.

Agility Producer Support
(866) 590-9771

Cigna just announced their 2023 ACA commission schedule! Take a look for yourself below.

Medical Insurance Commissions 

Medical commissions apply to all metal levels and plans sold on or off Marketplace. Sales made during an Open Enrollment or a Special Enrollment Period are eligible. Medical commissions will be paid for up to four children on the plan. Advancing is not available.
2023 medical commissions for applications one to four will be paid $0 PMPM until the agent or agency reaches five medical applications. At that time, any new medical sales commissions due will be paid, starting from the first 2023 application. Please be advised eligible producers will be paid commission for existing medical policies scheduled to renew 1/1/2023 under this 2023 commission schedule. Commissions will be paid on posted premiums applied to the agent’s or agency’s clients’ eligible cases.

 Dental Insurance Commissions

The dental commission structure pertains to business with effective dates of 1/1/2023 and after, and commissions will be paid on a monthly as-earned basis as a percentage of the total premium. Business prior to 1/1/2023 will continue with the previous commission structure.

Pediatric EHB dental commissions will be paid at 17% on the first year premium and 5% at renewal, not as indicated above. If policy is terminated prior to its first renewal date, any advanced paid commission may be prorated and recovered by Cigna pursuant to the terms of our contract and subject to applicable law.

Agility Producer Support
(866) 590-9771


Cigna 2022 Open Enrollment Bonus 

Cigna Broker Bonus Schedule for 2022 Open Enrollment 

Market Bonus Programs 

  • Georgia, Mississippi, Pennsylvania

    • Tier 1: 25-49 – $35 

    • Tier 2: 50-99 – $50

    • Tier 3: 100-399 – $75 

    • Tier 4: 400+ – $100

  • Colorado, Florida, Illinois, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia

    • Tier 1: 50-99 – $30

    • Tier 2: 100-249 – $40 

    • Tier 3: 250-499 – $70

    • Tier 4: 500+ – $100

  • Arizona, Missouri, Utah 

    • Tier 1: 50-99 members – $25 per member 

    • Tier 2: 100-199 members – $35 per member 

    • 200+ members – $45 per member 

Retention Bonus Programs 

  • Tennessee, Virginia

    • Tier 1: 25-49 members – $10 per member 

    • Tier 2: 50-149 members – $20 per member

    • Tier 3: 150-299 members – $35 per member

    • Tier 4: 300+ members – $50 per member

  • Florida 

    • Tier 1: 25-49 members – $10 per member 

    • Tier 2: 50-199 members – $20 per member

    • Tier 3: 200-399 members – $35 per member

    • Tier 4: 400+ members – $50 per member

Visit our link for more information on the Cigna bonus program

Get contracted for Cigna through Agility Insurance Services

Agility Producer Support
(866) 590-9771

Why should you and your clients be aware of social determinants of health? 

Social determinants of health (SDoH) are social, economic and environmental conditions that can impact a person’s health. Simply put, certain individuals experience barriers to care because of factors such as race, income, education level, gender identity and more. 

When people don’t have access to the resources they need, medical costs go up. That’s why addressing health disparities should be a priority when your clients create their health benefits strategy.


And don’t forget your Cigna Contracting >

Agility Producer Support
(866) 590-9771

We all win with Flexible Choice Dental, Vision & Hearing.

When you sell our new Flexible Choice Dental, Vision & Hearing product, you win extra rewards, and our customers win excellent coverage.


$50 bonus per issued Flexible Choice Dental, Vision & Hearing application or

$75 per issued Flexible Choice Dental, Vision & Hearing plan when sold with an issued Medicare Supplement plan to the same customer through the end of 2021.

Thank you for your partnership on launching this exciting new product! 


Get Your Cigna Contracting & More Here >


Agility Producer Support
(866) 590-9771